並在儲存格中加入 \n 來將字串
Write a simple PHP file using Spreadsheet Excel Writer to export Excel file

利用 Microsoft Office Excel 開啟輸出的 Excel 檔案
Using Microsoft Office Excel to open the exported Excel file
You can discover the text in the cell does not have line break,
but you can see the line break in input text field

我們在剛才的 PHP 文件加上以下的語句
We add the additional statements in the PHP file

再使用 Microsoft Office Excel 開啟該檔案,終於讓儲存格的字串便會斷行
Using Microsoft Office Excel to open that file,
Final the cell represent the line break

很有趣地,若使用 OpenOffice.org 來開啟該檔案,即使沒有使用 setTextWrap(true) 亦可以顯示斷行
Interesting, using OpenOffice.org to open that file,
even without the use of setTextWrap (true), it can display a line break.

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