是一種以 PHP 物件導向的設計的程式庫
PEAR is the abbreviation of PHP Extension and Application Repository
Install PEAR
開啟 Terminal 輸入
Open the Terminal and type
sudo apt-get install php-pear
安裝 PEAR 及其相對的元件
To install PEAR and its relative package

開啟 Terminal 輸入
Open the Terminal and type
sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
開啟 php.ini 並尋找 include_path
將 include_path 的 ; (分號) 刪除,並將 include_path 的資料更改為
Open php.ini and find include_path after UNIX
uncomment include_path by delete the ; (semi-colon) and edit the string of included path to
.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/PEAR(若有更多資料夾需要匯入只需要用 : (冒號) 分隔便可以繼續增加)
(Note: The included path base on which path you would like to include, you can add more included path separated by a colon)

更改後在 Terminal 輸入
Open the Terminal and type
sudo service apache2 restart
重新啟動 Apache2
To restart Apache2

製作一個 PHP 文件並在文件輸入 <?php phpinfo(); ?>
來獲得 Apache2 的資訊
(文件需存放在 Apache2 的網頁資料夾中,並透過瀏覽器查看)
確認 include_path 包含 .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/PEAR
Create a PHP in your web directory and type <?php phpinfo(); ?> to get information of Apache2
Make sure the include_path is included .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/PEAR

下載 Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer 及 OLE
Visit http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer/download and http://pear.php.net/package/OLE/download
to download Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer and OLE package
You can download and move them to specific locations manually
執行 PEAR 的指令,自動完成下載
Copy the PEAR Install Command and paste them to Terminal to install them automatically
sudo pear install Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.2
sudo pear install OLE-1.0.0RC1

製作一個簡單的 PHP 文件並利用 Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer 建立 Excel 文件
Create a simple PHP file for exporting Excel file

前往該 PHP 文件的位置,便可以下載 Excel 文件
Visit that PHP page to download the Excel file

由於 Ubuntu 沒有 Microsoft Excel 只能以 OpenOffice.org Calc 顯示
但若果在 Windows 安裝 Microsoft Excel 便可以正常顯示 Excel 文件
亦可以在 Ubuntu 中安裝 WineHQ 再安裝 Microsoft Excel 亦可,但這種安裝方法有機會發生問題
Open a browser to browse the PHP file for exporting Excel file

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