
於 Ubuntu 手動安裝 Java EE 與 NetBeans 等軟件 (Manual install Java EE and NetBeans)

前後 http://www.netbeans.org/
Visit http://www.netbeans.org/

選擇語言後按 "Download Free NetBeans IDE 6.8"
(NetBeans IDE 6.8 是 2010-04-17 最新版本)
Select the language and click "Download Free NetBeans IDE 6.8"
(NetBeans IDE 6.8 is the latest version on 2010-04-17)

選擇語言, 平台, 版本後按 "Download" (暫時儲存至 Desktop 位置方便尋找)
Select language, platform, version and click "Download" (Save at Desktop for easy find)

下載 .sh 檔案後開啟 Terminal
After download the .sh file then open the Terminal
Enter the command below
cd "/home/abc/Desktop"
abc 是使用者登入名稱
abc is the user login name
chmod 0755 ./netbeans-6.8-ml-linux.sh
改變檔案模式為 755 (或任何使用者可存取的模式)
change the mode as 755 (or any mode that user can execute this file)
第一次使用 sudo 後需要輸入使用者登入密碼
You need to enter the password when you use sudo
shows an installation window

若要更改安裝選項可以按 Custom 來自訂安裝
這裡建議只選擇 IDE、SE、EE 及 GlassFish 其他全部要不選擇
確定後按 next
If you need change the installation options, you can click Custom to customize your installation
I recommend you select IDE, SE, EE and GlassFish but deselect the others
then click next

出現一份 agreement 點選 agree 後按 next
Accept the agreement then click next

選擇安裝 NetBeans6.8 的路徑
(建議安裝在 /usr/local/netbeans-6.8 中)
確定後按 next
Select an installation path of NetBeans6.8
(I recommend you to install at /usr/local/netbeans-6.8)
then click next

選擇安裝 GlassFish 的路徑
(建議安裝在 /usr/local/sges-v3 中)
確定後按 next
Select an installation path of GlassFish
(I recommend you to install at /usr/local/sges-v3)
then click next

確定所有配置後後按 install
click install to install all components


NetBeans 捷徑預設會在 X Window 的 Applications > Programming > NetBeans IDE 6.8
The shortcut of NetBeans will appear in Applications > Programming > NetBeans IDE 6.8

沒有留言 :
